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Editing My Wix Website:

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Simge ağırSimge ağır

Güncelleme tarihi: 11 Nis 2023

As the project of the first week, I edited the wix site, the site I prepared in the 2nd grade. I added new images while editing the site. In addition, I have visibly added all my blog posts that I have published on this site to the homepage. In other words, by clicking on any blog post on the homepage, you can read my blog posts based on technology in the education that belongs to me.

How you can edit a website?

I learned new editing tips while editing my website. These are:

  • If you want to edit your website, then you must add or omit pictures, posts, and words. So, you can better attracts your visitor's attention. I leave the link of the site I edited below. You can click and take a look my wixsite:)

  • Go to your Business Profile.

  • Select Edit profile then Business info.

  • Select the Communication tab at the top.

  • Select Edit the pencil icon next to "Website".

  • Select Manage.

  • On the page that opens, select the section of your site you want to edit in the left panel.

  • Select Done Icon (Gray) when you complete a chapter


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